-`OwnerIDs`: Discord IDs of all the owners (must be integer)
-`.ROBLOSECURITY`: Required for the current playing game of a user, a throwaway roblox cookie is advised to be used
-`WebhookURL`: Discord webhook url for logging searches
/help - Displays the list of available commands.
/createuser - Creates a RoStalker account.
/redeem - Redeems a RoStalker promocode for credits.
/quicksearch - Searches for a Roblox Account, and provides brief information.
/search - Searches for a Roblox Account, and provides a full summary, including activity status, previously played games, games played with friends and more.
/getbalance - Returns your current RoStalker balance. Requires a RoStalker account.
OWNER Commands
/createuser - can force user creation
/getbalance - can get any user's balance
/topup - gives RoStalker tokens to any discord user (Must have Discord Server Administrator Permissions & in OwnerIDs config list.)