import requests import json import html from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time newAccountBonus = 5 with open('config.json', 'r') as file: config = json.load(file) rosecurity = config.get(".ROBLOSECURITY") webhookurl = config.get("WebhookURL") class RobloxAPI: def __init__(self, db_file_path='db.json', code_file_path='codes.json'): self.DB_FILE_PATH = db_file_path self.CODE_FILE_PATH = code_file_path def format_timestamp(self, timestamp): try: dt = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") except ValueError: dt = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") unix_timestamp = int(dt.timestamp()) discord_timestamp = f"" return discord_timestamp def rbxtracker(self): current_time = modified_time = current_time - timedelta(hours=6) formatted_time = modified_time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") rbx_event_tracker = f"CreateDate={formatted_time}" return rbx_event_tracker def last_online(self, uid): r = json.loads("", json={"userIds":[str(uid)]}, headers={"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/113.0.5666.197 Safari/537.36"}, cookies={"rbx-ip2":"1","RBXEventTrackerV2":f"{self.rbxtracker}&rbxid=7014232136",".ROBLOSECURITY":rosecurity}).text) r2 = json.loads("", json={"userIds":[str(uid)]}).text) upt = r['userPresences'][0]["userPresenceType"] if upt == 0: upt = "Offline" elif upt == 1: upt = "Online" elif upt == 2: upt = "In Game" elif upt == 3: upt = "In Studio" elif upt == 4: upt = "Hidden/Invisible" return upt, self.format_timestamp(r2['lastOnlineTimestamps'][0]['lastOnline']), r['userPresences'][0]['lastLocation'], r['userPresences'][0]['placeId'], r['userPresences'][0]['gameId'] def check_validity(self, uid): if requests.get(f"{uid}").status_code == 200: r = json.loads(requests.get(f"{uid}").text) created = self.format_timestamp(r['created']) return 200, r['displayName'], r['name'], created, r['isBanned'] else: return 404 def find_games(self, uid): r = requests.get(f'{uid}/badges?sortOrder=Desc') npc = json.loads(r.text)['nextPageCursor'] games = set() try: for item in json.loads(r.text)['data']: games.add(item['awarder']['id']) if npc: r = requests.get(f'{uid}/badges?sortOrder=Desc?nextPageCursor={npc}') for item in json.loads(r.text)['data']: games.add(item['awarder']['id']) return games except: pass def get_followers(self, uid): r = requests.get(f"{uid}/followers/count").text return json.loads(r)['count'] def get_following(self, uid): r = requests.get(f"{uid}/followings/count").text return json.loads(r)['count'] def username_to_uid(self, username): r ="", json={"usernames":[str(username)],"excludeBannedUsers":False}).text if json.loads(r)['data'][0]['id']: return json.loads(r)['data'][0]['id'] else: return 404 def get_friends(self, uid): r = requests.get(f"{uid}/friends").text return json.loads(r)['data'] def get_user_details(self, uid): r = requests.get(f"{uid}").text user_info = json.loads(r) return f"{user_info['displayName']} (@{user_info['name']}) | ID: {uid}" def find_common_games(self, uid): user_games = self.find_games(uid) friends = self.get_friends(uid) common_games = {} for friend in friends: friend_id = friend['id'] friend_games = self.find_games(friend_id) try: common = user_games.intersection(friend_games) if common: friend_details = self.get_user_details(friend_id) common_games[friend_details] = common except: continue return common_games def game2name(self, gid): al = requests.get(f'{gid}').text name = al[al.find('') + 7 : al.find('')] name = html.unescape(name) return name[:-9] def load_data(self): try: with open(self.DB_FILE_PATH, 'r') as file: data = json.load(file) return data.get("data", []) except FileNotFoundError: return [] except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Error decoding JSON in {self.DB_FILE_PATH}") return [] def load_codes(self): try: with open(self.CODE_FILE_PATH, 'r') as file: data = json.load(file) return data.get("codes", []) except FileNotFoundError: return [] except json.JSONDecodeError: print(f"Error decoding JSON in {self.CODE_FILE_PATH}") return [] def save_codes(self, data): try: with open(self.CODE_FILE_PATH, 'w') as file: json.dump({"codes": data}, file, indent=4) except Exception as e: print(f"Error saving data to {self.CODE_FILE_PATH}: {e}") def save_data(self, data): try: with open(self.DB_FILE_PATH, 'w') as file: json.dump({"data": data}, file, indent=4) except Exception as e: print(f"Error saving data to {self.DB_FILE_PATH}: {e}") def use_code(self, duid, code): duid = int(duid) data = self.load_codes() for item in data: if item['Name'] == code: if duid in item.get('Used', []): return 400, None if item['UsesLeft'] > 0: amount = item['Amount'] item['UsesLeft'] -= 1 item['Used'].append(duid) self.save_codes(data) return 200, amount else: return 404, None return 404, None def create_user(self, duid): duid = int(duid) data = self.load_data() if any(user['UID'] == duid for user in data): return 400 else: data.append({"UID": duid, "Balance": newAccountBonus}) self.save_data(data) return 200 def top_up_user(self, duid, balance_to_add): data = self.load_data() user_found = False for user in data: if user['UID'] == duid: user['Balance'] += balance_to_add user_found = True break if user_found: self.save_data(data) return 200 else: return 404 def get_balance(self, duid): data = self.load_data() for user in data: if user['UID'] == duid: return user['Balance'] return "err" def decrease_balance(self, duid): data = self.load_data() user_found = False for user in data: if user['UID'] == duid: if user['Balance'] > 0: user['Balance'] -= 1 user_found = True else: return 403 break if user_found: self.save_data(data) return 200 else: return 404 def getimg(self, uid): r = requests.get(f"{uid}&size=720x720&format=Png&isCircular=true") return json.loads(r.text)['data'][0]['imageUrl'] def sendwhook(self, uid, duid): img = self.getimg(uid) json = { "content": None, "embeds": [ { "title": "Search", "description": f"<@{duid}> searched for {self.get_user_details(uid)}", "color": 8582233, "author": { "name": "RoStalker | Search" }, "footer": { "text": f"RoStalker | User Balance: {self.get_balance(duid)}" }, "thumbnail": { "url": f"{img}" } } ], "username": "RoStalker", "avatar_url": "", "attachments": [] }, json=json)